Paloma es la reina del axé. Cada vez que sale a escena, junto a Exporto Brasil, los varones quedan helados al ver sus sensuales bailoteos y movimientos de cadera. Es que esta chiquilla se las trae. A sus corta edad, esta beldad ya se ha convertido en todo un símbolo sexual. Su cuerpo esculpido a mano y amplia sonrisa la han transformado en digna representante de la mujer carioca.
Antes de venir a Ecuador, esta lindura trabajaba en el ballet de un programa de televisión. Cuando llegó a nuestro país, de inmediato enganchó con la gallada, que rápidamente la hizo su favorita. Sin duda, su participación en el programa "Vamos con Todo" le sirvió para darse a conocer y de pasadita elevar su figura al plano de ídola.
!Mijiiita riiica!, es lo más suave que le gritan en la calle. Aunque reconoce que es una mujer sensual, explica que su trabajo y bailes van dirigidos a los jóvenes, ahora si sus movimientos de pelvis son del gusto de los más grandes, mejor todavía. "El axé es sensual, es un halago que los adultos se fijen en mí, pero prefiero agradar a niños y niñas", confiesa.
Según ella, los chicos son mucho más sinceros, mientras que los mayores se inventan rollos y son medio pasados. "Con mi edad me siento cercana a los niños. Agradezco a todos los que me consideran bonita o atractiva. Cuando llegué a Ecuador no me esperaba este éxito", aclara.
Guayaquil caliente
Paloma Fiuza is the queen of axé. Whenever he leaves to scene, next to I export Brazil, the men are ice creams when seeing their sensual jiggings about and movements of hip. It is that this child is engaged in them. To its short age, this beauty already has become everything a sexual symbol.
Their carved body by hand and to ample has transformed it smile into worthy representative of from Rio de Janeiro woman. Before coming to Ecuador, this lindura worked in the ballet of a television program. When it arrived at our country, it hooked immediately with the gallada one, that quickly made its favorite. Without a doubt, its participation in the program " We go " yet; it served to occur to him to know and pasadita to elevate its figure to the plane of ídola. Mijiiita riiica! , it is smoothest than they shout to him in the street. Although it recognizes that she is a sensual woman, explains that their work and dances go better directed to the young people, now if his movements of pelvis they are of the taste of greatest, still. " Axé is sensual, is a flattery that the adults pay attention to me, but I prefer to please to children and niñas" , it confesses.
According to her, the boys are much more sincere, whereas the majors invent rolls and are average pasts. " With my age I feel near the children. I am thankful to that me they consider attractive pretty or. When I arrived at Ecuador did not wait for this éxito" to me; , he clarifies.
Their carved body by hand and to ample has transformed it smile into worthy representative of from Rio de Janeiro woman. Before coming to Ecuador, this lindura worked in the ballet of a television program. When it arrived at our country, it hooked immediately with the gallada one, that quickly made its favorite. Without a doubt, its participation in the program " We go " yet; it served to occur to him to know and pasadita to elevate its figure to the plane of ídola. Mijiiita riiica! , it is smoothest than they shout to him in the street. Although it recognizes that she is a sensual woman, explains that their work and dances go better directed to the young people, now if his movements of pelvis they are of the taste of greatest, still. " Axé is sensual, is a flattery that the adults pay attention to me, but I prefer to please to children and niñas" , it confesses.
According to her, the boys are much more sincere, whereas the majors invent rolls and are average pasts. " With my age I feel near the children. I am thankful to that me they consider attractive pretty or. When I arrived at Ecuador did not wait for this éxito" to me; , he clarifies.
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